Podcast 61 – A Functional Medicine Approach to Cognitive Decline with Amylee Amos MS, RDN, IFMCP
Amylee Amos of The Amos Institute When it comes to supporting the nervous system, whether it be brain injury, brain...
Amylee Amos of The Amos Institute When it comes to supporting the nervous system, whether it be brain injury, brain...
Hello everyone, For those of you who are following my personal Facebook page, you know that I was robbed on...
My New Year’s Resolution: to be more bad-ass than I was the year before. Jerod is the most bad-ass Quadriplegic I have ever met! His strength and serenity and his command of his perspective and thoughts is so powerful!
Music is very powerful. In this episode we explore how music can be used to influence brain plasticity with Hope Young, a music therapist who is able to treat movement conditions and disorders through music.
In this episode, we get to interview Dr. Dan Engle, MD, who not only brings forth a comprehensive manual for concussion repair, but healing beyond brain injury and into peak performance.
I like brains. I like helping them work better. So does Dr. Nate Keiser, who Michelle and I get to interview on this episode about injury, dysautonomia, and hangovers.
Dr Terry Wahls, author of “The Wahls Protocol” talks about how nutrition saved her life from debilitating MS. This is one of those podcasts that has to potential to change many lives, so listen up!
By seeing how our brain is behaving, we can train our brains! If we are anxious most of the time, we can use feedback to reward our brains for being calm, and train ourselves out of anxiety. That’s pretty cool!
Meet Dr. Sanet, a world-renowned educator and practitioner in the fields of behavioral optometric care, vision training, and practice management.
Are you ready for the future? Meet Indrani Das, the winner of one of the country’s most prestigious science fairs for her work on a novel mechanism for treating brain injury and disease!
Someone very important to me graced our show this week and Michelle and I are so blessed to have the chance to share her radiance with you all! Meet Dr. Lauren Noel, a hard working, brilliant, accomplished and successful naturopathic doctor who changed the trajectory of my recovery.. And the trajectory of my entire life!
Dr. David Traster takes the time to speak with Michelle and Cavin about how opening his mind took him down roads that eventually saved his life.
The content of this Website and any products sold from this Website and the "Adventures in Brain Injury" Podcast are intended for informational purposes only and is not written by medical professionals. Readers should not act upon any information provided on this Website without seeking advice from a licensed physician. This Website is not intended to create a physician-patient relationship between Cavin, his family, and any user of this Website. - © 2021 Cavin Balaster