Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!
The holidays can be tricky, especially during extremely divisive times like these. It can be challenging to find that place of appreciation when there is such powerful forces making global moves that negatively affect each and every one of us. And it can be even more challenging when some of those we love are committed to remaining blind to it.
In my experience, however, the healthiest thing we can do for our brains, bodies, and souls is to allow others to have their own perspectives, their own values, and to have their own experiences… whatever those experiences may be. And… it is when we are able to do so with appreciation and with love that we send invisible forces that cannot help but illuminate truth. This is the strongest form of strength in serenity.
Find what you can appreciate in others… even the challenges and contrast. It all has value. It’s all good.
In the last 4 posts, we explored how you are the most qualified expert on your own thoughts and feelings, how systemic divisiveness is an effective tool to keep people from uniting, how I have chosen to dismiss this energy, and some of what I have experienced surrounding education and the scientific exploitation of medicine and nutrition.
If you haven’t read those posts…
- you can read Part 1 here
- you can read Part 2 here
- you can read Part 3 here
- and you can read Part 4 here.
In this post, we will continue to explore education, neurological empowerment, and the designing of your own neurology from within. We will also talk about brain washing, surveillance, and more.
Let’s dive in!
When it comes to education, I am very discerning about what I allow to be a part of my sensory diet. Everything that our senses are exposed to drastically affect our neurology, so I choose wisely. That being said, I continue to audit government subsidized college institutions. And… I am also interested in other perspectives that are not government subsidized… especially when it comes to medicine, nutrition, history, security, finances, and other subjects that have historically misinformed students.
From a neurologic and neuroplastic perspective, we are all brainwashed. I just try to do my own laundry these days and determine how I’d like to design my own neurology (rather than allowing someone to design it for me). You can learn more about what I mean by reading this short post I wrote: How to Wash a Brain.
Are you familiar with “The Big Four News Agencies?” First, what are news agencies? News agencies provide a narratives, pictures, articles and videos to mass media like NPR, BBC, NBC, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and more. Over 90% of news published by the world’s channels and newspapers come from the “Big Four.” This makes news agencies the most effective brain washing service in the world. “The Associated Press (AP) and Reuters are two of the biggest news agencies in America. Together with the United Press International, and Agence France Presse, AP and Reuters are considered half of “The Big Four” news agencies in the world. The narratives, pictures, articles and videos that these news agencies provide to mass media is then spun and slanted depending on what “side” the news source leans (right or left). This is one of the ways in which we are all brainwashed. Again… I just try to do my own laundry these days.
Are you familiar with how the Communist Party of China (CPC) controls the narrative and how social credit scores are given to everyone based on what content they consume, what locations they frequent, who their friends are, and how compliant they are? Those who are compliant, tend to have a high social credit score. Those who are not compliant or who question the government tend to have a low social credit score.
The surveillance in China is so good that they are able to scan a crowd of thousands, identify all of them, and pull up each of their files (with their social credit score) in seconds. This is what the future could look like in America if we invite it in. I will not be inviting this reality in, and I will stand with you to prevent this.
As Martin Luther King said,
“We have a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”
MLK also said,
“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people.”
And as Earl Nightingale parroted from psychiatrist, Rollo May,
“The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice; it is conformity.”
This is why I am speaking up and why I have created a Telegram channel to freely post without censorship.
Finally, some have expressed concern about my “questionable” posts. I should hope my posts bring about questioning: questioning authority… questioning the narrative… questioning me… questioning the sources (especially those from mainstream media… questioning the government… questioning the profit driven medical system… questioning your own beliefs… questioning your own assumptions… and questioning your own judgements. Questions are extremely important in understanding things. Assumptions, judgement, dismissal of ideas, and righteousness are not anything that I have found useful in finding truth, building relationships, or supporting humanity, and these are not ways in which I choose to relate with the world.
Essentially, what my “questionable” posts aim to do, is promote free thinking to liberate one from the “Group-Think.” And I know for a fact that my posts have successfully had this kind of an influence on many. Feel free to share this link and any of my earlier post.
I hope you have received this message with nothing but the love and light with which it is delivered.
I appreciate you, I respect you and your perspectives, and I honor you in your choices and your freedom. Including your freedom to choose the take this injection that has not been tested for more than a year, that has not been shown to provide immunity nor reduce transmission, and that has been shown to be less effective than nutritional supplementation for preventing severe symptoms of C0\/1D-19. Including your freedom to choose your sensory diet. Including your freedom to design your own neurology or to allow your neurology to be designed for you. Including your freedom to dismiss, shame, or to judge differing perspectives. I honor you through it all.
Stay aware. Stay curious.
Stay strong. Stay loving. Stay punk!
Or don’t… You are free.
PS: Join me uncensored on Telegram: http://wokemed.org
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