Michelle Malmberg
was given a 1% chance of survival after numerous seizures resulted in…
– A coma with a rock bottom GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale of 3);
– Imaging showing that she had a mandarin orange size tumor in her right frontal lobe
– A medical mishap resulted in a punctured carotid artery that bled out into her chest cavity requiring emergency thoracic surgery and a blood transfusion.
Once stabilized, the tumor was surgically removed and she worked toward a successful outcome and a remarkable recovery!
Michelle then acquired two untreated Strep infections which lead to Adult-onset PANDAS – a form of Autoimmune Encephalitis.
Unable to get medical assistance due to a lack of knowledge of such a rare condition, Michelle researched and identified her case independently. Two years later, testing via Moleculera Labs and diagnosis from a PANDAS specialist confirmed her research. Today she is a student of functional medicine and nutrition, fellow adventurer, and co-host of the Adventures in Brain Injury Podcast. Learn more about her by listening to Cavin’s first interview with Michelle (before she became a co-host).
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