Something heavy has been weighing on my heart, and so I am writing you this very important message. As you have likely felt, there is an unignorable divide that is splitting at the fabric of many families and long held friendships over an issue that the entire globe is now forced to take a side on. Regardless of what “side” someone is on, I know for a fact that I am not the only one who has experienced uncomfortable turmoil amongst some of my family and friends in the past year and a half… So I am sending this message to my list because I know that many of you can find value in these words.
At this point in 2021, in the wake of the past 1.5+ years, it would appear that many of those who I grew up with, some of whom I have not spoken to in years, have decided that I am something that I am not.
I used to feel the need to defend myself when people said something about me that was not true. Or when people told others that I thought something that I did not think. I used to think that if someone said something that I did not agree with, and I didn’t say something, that people would think that I agree with them. I used to feel like I had to prove my opinion, my thoughts, my beliefs, and where I stood. But why?
I am pretty sure that you are more qualified to talk about your own thoughts and feelings than anyone else. Right? Well… I am pretty sure that I am more qualified to talk about my own thoughts and feelings than anyone else too. And since graduating High School, I have found it to be an absolute waste of time to prove my thoughts and feelings to anyone who thinks that they are more qualified to determine what those thoughts and feelings are.
The thing is that we humans have a primal need to be accepted by our tribe. So if someone were to walk around shouting that I was a witch, and witches are not accepted in a tribe… and witches are burned alive… this social perception of the tribe becomes of life or death importance.
So why is it that I no longer find value in putting effort into convincing the tribe I grew up with that I am not what they have decided that I am? Especially when I could be burned alive by this tribe? To put it simply, I don’t have to anymore.
I have nothing but love and light and honesty, and integrity, and forgiveness for the tribe I grew up amongst. I have even forgiven two of my oldest friends who have admitted guilt of stealing thousands of dollars from me (on completely different occasions). And… There are 7.8 billion people on Earth, almost all of whom recognize that I am the authority on my own thoughts and feelings… many of whom are actually curious about my unique perspective and why it is that I have that perspective. For those of you who are interested in my perspectives, read on, and for those of you who believe you know my perspectives better than I do, I invite you to unsubscribe here.
For those of you who are interested in my perspectives, I will be sending a series of emails explaining my thoughts, how I have empowered myself long ago to understand human physiology, neurology, and natural medicine, how I conduct research to find the most accurate information available, and how you can empower yourself.
I’m looking forward to expressing myself further. Thank you for your interest or your departure as it were.
Sending you all (all of you) loads of love and light!
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