Michelle Malmberg tells the first part of her amazing, inspiring, and resilient acquired brain injury story on the Adventures in Brain Injury Podcast with Cavin Balaster.
(You can also hear this episode on YouTube, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and almost every other podcast network!)
I sat down to interview Michelle Malmberg, a dancer, mother, and all-around lovely human being who was given a 1% chance of survival after….
- numerous seizures resulting in a coma with a rock bottom GCS,
- scans showed that she had a mandarin orange size tumor in her right frontal lobe
- a medical mishap resulted in a punctured carotid artery that bled out into her thorax!
- she had the tumor surgically removed
and she somehow had a successful outcome!
She has become one of my favorite people as we have corresponded as friends and fellow survivors over the years. Like Sherlock Holmes, she has been exploring and digging through medical records, interviewing friends, and looking for anything and everything that might help her to understand what exactly has happened, and what is currently happening, throughout her adventures in brain injury.
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